Olivia Lohest | The Team

Semetis | Olivia Lohest

Olivia is currently a Digital Business Senior Consultant at Semetis. She is leading teams for large clients in various industries. She has acquired solid experience in Digital Advertising and Digital Business Intelligence which allow her to challenge and achieve the clients' objectives and help them grow.

In 2017, Olivia graduated with a Master's degree in Finance from the Louvain School of Management. Afterwards, she decided to go and study digital marketing for a year in Madrid. It was there that she realized her affinity with this sector. She therefore decided to enter the working world at Semetis, as an Analyst.

Since her arrival at Semetis, she had a lot of opportunities to learn and grow, whether in terms of hard skills or soft skills. As a Digital Business Senior Consultant, what Olivia really likes is working closely with her clients and being involved in strategic thinking. Internally, she is responsible for establishing a good organization and processes to maintain a good quality of services. On the other hand, she is part of the Digital Advertising team, who has the role of gathering all the information on the latest developmentss and ensuring that knowledge is shared within Semetis, to remain a pioneer in our industry.

Apart from her professional activities, Olivia enjoys cooking and painting. She also loves sports and is part of a football team. Lastly, she is a big fan of traveling and has already had the opportunity to discover many different countries.

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Meet the Team

Alexandre Vanhemelryck

Digital Business Analyst

Alizée Valvason

Digital Business Analyst

Astrid Mérenne

Digital Business Analyst

Camille Servais

Digital Business Analyst

Charlie Deschamps

Business Manager

Dhan Claes

Managing Director

Diane Tremouroux

Digital Business Analyst

Edouard Polet

Digital Business Analyst

Elio Civalleri

Digital Business Analyst

Eliot Dewilde

Business Manager

Eliott Pousset

Senior Digital Business Consultant

Elise Demaret

Digital Business Analyst

Emilie Andries

Digital Business Analyst

Guillaume Delhaye

Digital Business Analyst

Hanne Van Loock

Digital Business Analyst

Janne Beke

Senior Digital Business Consultant

Jérémie Kamay

Digital Business Analyst

Jonas Geiregat

Digital Business Analyst

Juliette Ten Hoorn

Senior Digital Business Consultant

Justine Cremer

Business Manager

Kirsen Ender

Digital Business Analyst

Laura Rooseleer

Digital Business Analyst

Laura Verhelst

Digital Business Analyst

Lisa De Sloovere

Digital Business Analyst

Lore Fierens

Digital Business Consultant

Lotte Vranckx

Digital Business Consultant

Lynn Luyckx

Digital Business Analyst

Margaux Marien

Business Manager

Margaux Snakkers

Digital Business Analyst

Marie Capart

Digital Business Analyst

Olivia De Brie

Digital Business Analyst

Olivia Lohest

Senior Digital Business Consultant

Pénélope Négrault

Digital Business Analyst

Pieter Maesmans

Senior Digital Business Consultant

Sebastiaan Reeskamp

Digital Business Consultant

Shanon Lejeune

Digital Business Analyst

Sven Bosschem

Digital Business Analyst

Sybille Heyman

Digital Business Analyst

Thomas Kurevic

Digital Business Analyst

Thomas Riis

Digital Business Analyst

Xander Schepens

Digital Business Consultant

Yaël Vanhoe

Office Manager
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Semetis | Rue de l'Escaut 122, 1080 Brussels - Belgium


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